Do You Believe In Immunizations?

Author: Dr. David Dickerhoff, DDS, MAGD, FOCOI

The human immune system is an amazingly complex system that has deserved its level of scrutiny and research over the years. But as we look at some of the advancements to human health and longevity over the past century, immunizing against infectious disease seems to play a prominent role. Medical research and prominent physicians for the most part agree that receiving immunizations is a positive step in maintaining health and avoiding serious sequelae related to infectious disease. Cable News Network (CNN) reported, “Early data from South America shows that the flu vaccine has cut the risk of hospitalization in half this year, a hopeful sign that the vaccine will provide a similar level of protection in the United States as the country heads into its own respiratory virus season.” This year, “midseason flu vaccine data from five countries-Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay- shows that vaccination reduced the risk hospitalization by 52%, according to a report published Friday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

The CDC is also offering the next COVID-19 booster this month that is aimed at reducing severe disease
symptoms from COVID variants. I know that I will be getting my boosters this month from my local pharmacy or general practitioner. I encourage you to do so as well.

We wish you great health this fall season from Spring Lake Dental Group!