Archive for August, 2021

Back to School

Author: Dr. Alison Vitelli, DMD Wow! Back to school already? Where did this summer go? I am sure you are also asking yourselves these questions.  As we prepare for back to school, there are so many boxes to check in order to get our children ready for the new year. And their dental cleaning should […]

Kids and Vaping

Author: Kimberly N. Powell, DDS, MS, FAGD An article in the May/June issue of General Dentistry addressed some of the issues with electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), vaping, and oral health. Considering that it took decades of research to make the correlation between cigarette smoking and lung cancer, one pressing concern with ENDS is the […]

Records for Transfer

Author: Dr. David Dickerhoff, DDS, MAGD, FOCOI I sit in my office on a Sunday afternoon completing tasks that I meant to do during the week and just never found the time. Today, it is processing records for transfer.  It is a task that I have come to appreciate because of my past service within the military. Soldiers […]