Archive for November, 2021

Your Story

Author: Kimberly N. Powell, DDS, MS, FAGD A recent article in AGD Impact (monthly news magazine for the Academy of General Dentistry) highlighted the importance of listening to patients’ stories. The author details his experience with a patient who was homeless. His living situation was the result of the side effects of a drug that […]

What Is Toothpaste?

Author: Dr. Sarah Mischo, DMD Walking down the oral hygiene aisle can be daunting, but whether it’s the flavor, texture or creative packaging that draws us to a product, we all have our preferred brand of toothpaste. There are so many different forms of toothpaste on the market these days, however, a question that you […]

Thankful For

Author: Dr. Alison Vitelli, DMD We are living in very hard and challenging times, and I know you can agree with me on this. COVID-19 has made everyday life a true mystery at times. But, with Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner, I wanted to take this moment for us to reflect on all […]

An Update and A Lesson

Author: Dr. David Dickerhoff, DDS, MAGD, FOCOI Here we are, about to enter the holiday season already and I want to remind you that Spring Lake Dental Group remains committed to your safety in assisting in fighting this pandemic. My physician friends are starting to use the word “endemic” as they evaluate the results and recommendations from […]