Archive for September, 2023

Your Teeth and GERD

Author: Kimberly N. Powell, DDS, MS, FAGD Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when stomach acid repeatedly flows back into the tube connecting your mouth and stomach (esophagus).  GERD symptoms typically include heartburn and regurgitation, but can include chronic cough, throat-clearing, and hoarseness.  Some complications include scarring and narrowing of the esophagus which can lead to […]

It’s Finally Fall!

Author: Dr. Sarah Mischo, DMD When the weather starts to turn along with the trees, you know Fall is officially here! Although I sometimes miss the chilly, colorful fall season I grew up with in Wisconsin, this is still my favorite time of year–you can’t beat wrapping up in a cozy sweater, grabbing a warm […]

Do You Believe In Immunizations?

Author: Dr. David Dickerhoff, DDS, MAGD, FOCOI The human immune system is an amazingly complex system that has deserved its level of scrutiny and research over the years. But as we look at some of the advancements to human health and longevity over the past century, immunizing against infectious disease seems to play a prominent role. […]

Protect Your Teeth While You Stay Active

Author: Dr. Sarah Mischo, DMD When I look back on this time of year, it always reminds me of all of the good memories I had while playing high school sports. Those are some of my fondest memories with friends and family at tournaments and competitions. If you have a child who is active in […]


Author: Kimberly N. Powell, DDS, MS, FAGD What are you thankful for? There is a laundry list of things that could come to mind, could be relationships, careers, possessions, health. Sometimes we overlook things like seeing a beautiful blue and pink sky or your loved one’s face, hearing the sound of raindrops on a window […]