Archive for August, 2019

Remineralization of Teeth

Author: Dr. Rima Solanki, DMD There are multiple ways to remineralize your teeth if you have incipient cavitated lesions (starting of a small cavity). The best way to remineralize is by practicing excellent oral hygiene daily. Brushing and flossing 2 times a day is sufficient for a healthy mouth. However, it is strongly recommended to brush and floss […]


Author: Kimberly N. Powell, DDS, MS I am currently wearing traditional braces and have not followed my orthodontist’s recommendations. Because of my noncompliance, not wearing my elastics, my treatment is ongoing in excess of three months so far. Although I have easier access to care considering I work in the same office as my orthodontist, accelerating treatment is […]

Get Back To School Ready

Author: Dr. Alison Vitelli, DMD Summer break is almost over and back to school arrangements are on the go!  Do you all think about your children’s dental check-up as part of their routine before heading back to the new school year? We understand that a lot goes on preparing for school, and unfortunately, dental appointments […]

Growing Up Smarter

Author: Dr. David Dickerhoff, DDS, MAGD, FOCOI I have seen enough years in this world to appreciate that trends change and being a lifelong student is important in adapting to society’s latest changes and challenges.  My parents grew up at a time when the dangers of smoking were not as well known and smoked a pack […]

Space Maintainers for Pediatric Patients

Author: Dr. Rima Solanki, DMD As a parent, you may have heard your dentist recommending space maintainers for your child if there is a premature loss of a baby tooth. Baby teeth are referred to a primary teeth in dentistry. The reason why your child may need a space maintainer is to make sure that the permanent tooth […]