
Author: Dr. Alison Vitelli, DMD

What are overdentures?  Overdentures are complete dentures on either or both jaws that are supported by implants. Traditionally, complete dentures have relied on support and retention from the bone they sit on and the tissue that surrounds it.  Mandibular (bottom) dentures have been extremely challenging because of all the moving structures that are present in the mouth, such as lips, tongue, cheek and lack of suction. It is typically easier for a top denture to get this suction from the roof of the mouth (palate).  Another challenge faced is the height of the bone or ridge available for support of the denture. The lower or shorter the ridge, the more challenging it becomes for a denture to be stable. Nowadays, technology and dentistry have been working towards finding the best ways to provide predictable treatment to our patients. It is incredible to see how many techniques and materials are available to provide implant support for complete dentures.  Most cases can be treated by placing 4 implants per arch. These implants become surrounded by the patient’s bone and now, they serve as a pillar where attachments are placed, and denture can sit on. Because of the biology of bone, it changes and compacts as time without teeth increases.  Both time and reason for original loss of teeth, contribute to how the bone changes. Sometimes, increasing the height and thickness of the bone is indicated for more predictable results during implant placement and eventually, for the final denture.  Here, at Spring Lake Dental Group, we have the ability and technology to diagnose and treat cases of complete dentures.  Make sure you inquire with us, so we can educate and guide you the best way possible!